At the end of the second game, there's a button sequence where the timing is set so fast that it's practically impossible without some form of cheating or plugging in a wired controller. There are lots of quick-time button press sequences but they haven't been adjusted to account for wir eless controllers and the frame lag on digital TV sets that weren't prevalent in the original PS2 versions. I rarely had to reason 'how am I going to defeat this enemy?' because the answer is always 'press the same button sequence I used for all the other enemies'. You can learn all sorts of moves which rarely need to be used. There are no likable characters whatsoever. Essentially, you're playing as a villain fighting villains. The main character is a generic angry man with simplistic motivation and not even a hint of kindness or humor. The set piece battles and boss fights are creatively designed. The level design, use of color and light, puzzle designs, sound, music.all excellent.
I'm sure there are people who love God of War games. I don't know if this could be called fun.